Wednesday, May 30, 2007

IF - Cars

And the Giraffe wins by a nose! VROOOM!

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Monday, May 21, 2007

IF - Signs

I didn't think of this while I was drawing, but I am sure this trick must have been done by Yogi Bear at some point. If so please forgive me Mr. Yogi sir.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

IF - Neighbor

Bonjour mes amis,

Ce sont les maisons de la poule rouge et du petit cochon rose. Elles sont de bons voisins comme le lard et les oeufs. Au cas où vous vous demanderiez pourquoi elles ont les berettes et les moustashes, il est parce que nous sommes dans le Frenchland mes amis !

Mais naturellement non ?


Hello my friends,

These are the homes of the red hen and the little pink pig. They are good neighbors like bacon and eggs. In case you are wondering why they have the berettes and the moustashes, it is because we are in the Frenchland my friends!

But of course no?

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

IF - Remember

“It’s funny, the things that you think of in life’s truly defining moments. How will I be remembered? Will my children be proud of me? Did I remember to turn off the coffee maker before I left for work?”

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